The following statements express the goals for our graduates.
A Graduate of Our Lady of Grace & Sacred Heart Nativity Schools is…
- Shows and understanding of the Church’s teaching (Sacraments, prayers, doctrine)
- Respects other faith traditions
- Reflects on experiences
- Like Jesus, shows compassion and consideration towards others
- Cares for God’s creation
- Respects oneself and the gifts and talents of others
- Strives to be a person for and with others
- Sees the need for justice and action
- Identifies personal prejudices and works to embrace others
- Thinks logically, critically, and creatively, both independently and collaboratively
- Communicates effectively in speech, writing, and problem solving
- Acts with integrity and takes ownership of their own learning
- Listens and considers others’ points of views
- Perseveres and self-advocates/em>
- Develops and seeks opportunities that stretch their mind, immagination, feelings and spirituality